Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar

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The „C Major Seven Sharp Eleven“ is a Cmaj7 chord with an additional augmented 4th. Because the augmented 4th is not a part of the basic chord (consisting of root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th or 6th), it extends the chord and therefore it is written as a #11 in the chord symbol. While the number 4 at least occurs in sus4 chords, where the 3rd is replaced by 4th, a #4 is completely INEXISTENT in chord symbols.

A Cmaj7(#11) consists of C (1), E (3), G (5), B (maj7) and F# (#11). You will normally omit the 5th on the guitar, but if you play it, it must be lower than the #11 (e.g. C G B E F#), otherwise it will sound terribly dissonant (e.g. C F# B E G).

Maj7 chords are located on the first (I) and fourth (IV) scale degree of a major scale as diatonic chords (stacking 3rds using only tones of the scale). But only the IVth scale degree has an augmented 4th. Consequently Cmaj7(#11) is located on the IVth scale degree of the G major scale. The scale of the IVth scale degree is called the lydian scale. Therefore maj7(#11) chords are often called „lydian chords“. In jazz the maj7(#11) is sometimes also played on the first scale degree, like e.g. Dm11 G7(b13) Cmaj7(#11). In that style the harmonic relation of chords is often used to connect different scales in a very exciting way, like D dorian - G altered - C lydian scale in the shown progression.

open chords

At least one string is ringing without a finger touching it. We call this an open string and consequently that chord an open chord. You can't transpose these chord shapes to a higher key, unless you're using a capodaster or mute the open string or the open string then represents just a different chord tone.

Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar, voicing 1-#11-5-maj7-3


You can transpose these chord shapes to any different key just by moving the whole chord shape along the guitar fretboard until the squared spot represents the new root.

Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar, voicing 1-maj7-3-#11
Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar, voicing 1-maj7-3-#11
Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar, voicing 1-1-3-#11-maj7
Cmaj7(#11) Chord on Guitar, voicing 1-3-#11-maj7
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